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What's Your Focus?

"I don’t ever want to care that much again." As I sit here watching the Best Man The Final Chapters, I fully understand Lance’s perspective when it comes to moving forward after losing a spouse. I mean you’d finally opened your heart to YOUR person then poof they’re gone. The sad part about the sentiments he expressed is that those feelings not only close you off to romantic love, but it could also close you off from just allowing people to love you. It’s so easy to get into the routine of work, home, work that you don’t even put yourself in a position to be loved or even be showered with good friendship. Mind you, I get it for many of us this type of lost may be one of the roughest you'll experience, but my prayer for 2025 is that no matter what life has thrown at you and will still throw at you, that you open yourself up to being surrounded by those who love and want the best for you. That you open yourself up to the love God has for you and that you open yourself up to love what’s in the mirror. Focus on what would make you proud and them too. 


God doesn't safeguard us from hardship, but He does promise that His restorative healing extends far beyond the ruin. - Winn Collier



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